Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Advantages of 3D Marketing

3D animation has reached popularity in past decades and now it can be used in almost every business. It has proven itself as a great market tool. It contain a lot of different features which are best for various purposes. It also has a huge number of verities and offers something special for every sort of business that no other method can ever match. 3D animation is not only limited to a small medium. It is an ideal marketing tool which works for every industry.

Some of the Advantages of 3D marketing are given below;

 1. Visual Effects
It is obvious that no other marketing tool can compete the strength of 3D animations when there is a portrait of a product delivering. It is not only bounded to visual effects but shows the realistic effects. It is a pleasure to our eyes mind that conveys a highly effective message of a creative ideas.
Without a doubt, no other visual or audio medium can match the strength of 3D animations when it comes to delivering a stunning and concise portrait of a product. It does not only shows the visual beauty but also displays the realistic effects. Comes up with to show the main points with more clarity.

 2. Real feeling
The most valuable importance of 3D animation is that it generates an illusion of real life. It makes a link between reality and fantasy which effects the people positively. When people watch 3D animated videos on screens, they get fascinated by the creativity. It is also considered as the best options for advertising purposes nowadays. Companies prefer this mode of communication and marketing for better results.
3.   Builds reputation
Companies prefer 3D mode of communication and marketing for its growth and better result .Whether it is marketing, sales, or presentations, 3D Animation offers you the ability to make your products or services highly impressive to the customer by making it more precise and much easier to understand clearly.

 4. Time
if we talk about timings, a realistic 3D Animation displays things faster and more efficiently than texts, images or just a general video.  It gives you a chance to present more information in less amount of time in more precise way.

5. Online platform
by using a 3d video for your business or products you can widely spread in on multiple platforms. Your products presence will be there in almost every social media sides in highly sophisticated way. It will help you to grow your business and bring you more leads in short time period.
6. Re usability
the most valuable thing of 3D animation is re usability. 3D models and other means can be used again to modify the video or encounter upcoming requirements and updates. It means that the video is future-proof and editable if it is required in future.

7. Less cost more profit

In3D Animation videos there would be no need for outdoor shootings, which most probably are costly, costly setups, and people wages made a huge budget. 3D is cheaper than many other marketing tools that people are using on daily basis. You would spend less amount of money in animation but you would get more profit.

For more information do visit IconAdvertising.


Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Facebook Advertising practices

 In today's  digital world Facebook is considered as the most important way to connect with others because billions of people are using Facebook nowadays. It has come with more options which definitely are useful but also complicated for those who have no knowledge about their usage. For the best results of your business or best interaction you should use Facebook so it is necessary to understand the different options, types and targeting options of Facebook before using it.

In this article, we will be discussing about all the important things you need to know about Facebook advertising.

1.    Objectives

Always prefer those objectives that initiate business value. Facebook has the huge variety of advertising objectives which definitely would help the brands to fulfill their business needs. Gone are those days when Facebook ads success were accomplished by website clicks or campaigns it has evolved and offers like awareness, conversions and many more.

·         Awareness: includes brand awareness like people would increase awareness for your business through Facebook.

·         Reach: shows that how many people have reached you.

·         Considerations: it will enhance your websites traffic.

·         Engagement: it helps more people to see and engage and allows them to contact you via message.

·         App installation: And also gives options to install your brands app.

·         Traffic: it also ties to connect the people nearby which would enhance the traffic of your website.


Placement optimization:

Facebook ad placement includes Facebook news feed, audience network even in messenger as well. And if you open all these placement it would be more helpful. It is called placement optimization which helps to optimize against those who are getting your objectives. If you use more placements then there would be more data then the Facebook would also have to learn more data from that. You have to look deeply for what performs best.


Advertisers on Facebook set budgets for the Ads. In this way one can get the best opportunities to fulfill its desired objectives through the ads sets on Facebook. One can finalize the budget to Ads that perform best.

Mobile-first creative

Everyone knows that social media has become mobile-first experience.  So you have to be very careful while creating campaigns. Always go for ad creative which is attractive, looks great on the small screen, and inspiring for people. Always prefer bright graphics for banners, and go for video ads are under 15 seconds. Simply, be sure that your ads look aesthetic on mobile.

 Broad vs specific targeting

Specific targeting always look good but choose to go a little wider when trying to expanse your budget. Sometimes not everyone can contact on Facebook so always add some extra things in your experiments.

You have to expand your audience using the tools you have available, and create ads that will expand your business. For more information go visit Icon Advertising.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Qualities of a Creative Agency


In today’s time, digital world plays a great role almost everywhere. Along with the popularity of digital agencies there is also a great competition. So if you are planning to own a creative agency or you want to hire a creative agency first of all you should keep in mind the few qualities of a creative agency which can make the agency successful.

The fact is that not all the digital agencies can fulfill every needs, so that is why you should be careful before owning a creative agency or before hiring other agencies. Selecting the highly skilled and experienced people should be your top priority. There are a few top qualities of a creative agency which are discussed in this article.


1) Talent

Agencies are all about people. All agencies would need talented people for different field. Finding right people to work with is so difficult, it is very important to hire those talented and skilled people who can take your agency forward. They have to be aware of their doings and should be able to provide suggestions about the things that would fit in your company’s advertising goals. Most of the time the success of any agency can be seen by the amount and type of people you have in your work place or agency Each person must be experienced in his own field. It is not possible for a single person in any field or in a digital marketing agency, to be expert in everything.

2) Experience

All the experiences whether good or bad, would definitely help you in future in different ways. When hiring an agency, make sure that you have to choose only those people who have met similar situations in the past, and are experienced.


3. Technology

The other important thing is technology. This is the most important thing that in order to become a successful digital marketing agency you will require the latest technology. Technology is a mean that makes the digital marketing agencies enable to do marvels for their agencies or business. Today’s latest technology is to have a software which can increase social media platforms, and can improve its market strategies that will take the company to new heights.


 4Problem Solving Skills

 Every agency wants to take hold on everything. Always go for an agency that knows how to solve issues. A good company must have plans on hand to deal with problems that develop along the way. The agency must have a highly skilled working staff who take care of all the works like ads monitoring, fixing the problems, and to make everything work better. Keep an eye on their advertising objectives. Look at the examples of their works. Give them challenges to know their procedure of solving the problem.

 5. Uniqueness and Creativity

Creativity is what eventually makes agency or business to remain on top. So choose a digital marketing company that is creative and with its uniqueness can value in your ad. Ad that comprises more appealing visual and sound fundamentals can capture more leads. Also focus on other things like colors, dialogues, and sendups.

The digital agency you have chosen shouldn’t just reprocess ideas. A good company should be able to create the latest ideas and connect it with other agencies. Through their websites you can observe that how creative the agency is. You can also Find out that whether it is active, updated or it follows the trends or not. You can also ask them for samples for better understanding.

There are a lot more qualities of agencies but we have discussed about five top qualities of digital agency. For more information go and check Icon Advertising.



Friday, 24 September 2021

What is search engine marketing, SEM?

 What is search engine marketing, SEM?

Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to digital marketing strategy. It basically increases the visibility of a website in pages called search engine results pages (SERPs). It was used for both organic search activities and paid search activities but now it is only used for paid search marketing.


In order to appear on search engine result pages SERPs, brands pay for ads With SEM. The main thing to search for an accurate key words. When a person search for such terms they will see an Ad from the brand. The brand is charged for per click.

Nowadays on almost every search results pages the paid search ads can be found. These are mostly located on the very top or the bottom of the page. There will be written “Ad” in a small font that is just to make us aware that it is a paid one.


SEM Platforms

In SEM is a search engine when users perform a search then a brand can place search ads that are displayed. Two of the most popular SEM platforms are Google and Bing.

  • Google Ads is on the top and considered as the widely used SEM platform. In a single day more than billions of searchers are done so it is the most helpful one to get the brand in front of the largest online audience.


  • Bing Ads Bing Ads is helpful for those who do not use Google for search. Bing is a partner with Yahoo and MSN and being partner with them it serves ads.




SEM keywords are the most important terms and phrases, that are used to target the search engine marketing campaigns. When people search for those keywords, your ad will be seen there. For example, if your campaign targets any particular term then your ad may show when a user searches for that particular word or phrase. Choose the most accurate keywords.

1.    Broad match keywords. It includes similar terms like singular or plural forms, synonyms or similar phrases. For instance when directing the major keyword, like best food it may also target word related to keyword like desi food, online foods, spicy food.


2.    Phrase match keywords it marks the precise or exact phrase, and also that phrases having word that comes before or after the target keyword. For instance if a phrase is food, a campaign may also target best desi food, find the best food, best spicy food etc.


3.    Exact match keywords this marks those words that are very closely related to the target word. Words that contain singular or plural forms, abbreviations, paraphrases, or closely related words. For example, when targeting the exact match keyword best food that may also target best foods, bests of food, and bests food.


4.    Negative keywords it is all about those words that you don’t want to target. Negative keywords are and exact match keywords that you don’t want to add or use. These terms may be directly related to your keywords but opposes the intention of the target term, your work or your ideas.


With an increasing number of people, search engine marketing has become the most important marketing strategy for increasing a brands reach.